Hello, I need to use a “hybrid” style that combines APA and numbered citations. For example, the text would include a reference as follows: (Smith 2009)1 (the 1 would be a superscript) . Then this reference in APA style would appear first in the bibliography at the end of the document, and the next reference in the document, e.g. Jones (2007)2 would appear second in the bibliography in APA style.Does anyone happen to know of an existing Endnote style that is in this combined format, or will I have to (try to) create my own style?Thanks.
That’s kind of unusual style, I’ve never encountered a journal requesting such style. But you can do like this.
In-text citation template: (Author I Year)Bibliography Number
Sort order of bibliography: Order of appearance
Layout in Bibliography: Have Bibliography number as prefix
If this is too simple/short to describe, maybe “Bibliography Style” in the help file is the first place you may go.
Many articles are required to use numeric formatting for citation in paper text and APA format for biblography. Where can I find such a style in Endnote? like as most SPRINGER Journal such as “Knowledge and Information Systems journal ---- springer”