I have an MS Word document (Mac) from 1999 with Endnote 3 formatted references.
I need to recycle the document, but my current Endnote X7 software will not format them.
I have the original library, converted and readable by X7, and my current Word version recognises the references as Endnote references.
Is there any trick to convert these old guys into contemporary endnote references? There are about 100 of them, and I don’t want to reinsert them all again…TIA Peter
Have you tried unformating them to see if they will convert to temporary citations? I remember having to do that a number of years ago and it working. I may have then also cleaned up field codes (convert to plain text after converting to unformated citations). It really depends on how Word has changed field parameters I think and whether current versions of endnote are able to interprete them. So you have two software packages to contend with!
In the document, click on the Word menu and select Preferences. Under View, check the Field Codes option and click OK. Do the old citations appear as { ADDIN ENRfu }? If so, you can send the document to Technical Support to make the corrections:
Thanks very much Jason, I do indeed see { ADDIN ENRfu } after following your instructions. I submitted a technical support request (TS-04069860) for corrections, but there was no option to upload my document as far as I could see. Is there a specific site for uploading, or shall I just wait for TS to get back to me?
I just sent you an email request for that document. If you can reply with the document, we can convert it into a format that can be read by modern versions of EndNote.