Hi folks, after switching from X9 (I believe) to X21, I have trouble with the ‘Convert to unformatted citations’ command. Nothing happens with the citations.
What I intend to do is to use older text, unformat citations, paste into new documents and reformat again.
So if you do the show field contents, showing that they are endnote fields? You selected the whole document and tried it? Can you share a piece of the document or make a shareable google folder?
What I tried after downloading it (and hoping that openning it from the google drive didn’t compromise the fields), was to “export to endnote” and it says there are no editable citations.
when I viewed a field (selected it and Shift F9 on a PC) the text says {ADDIN CSL_citation… where it should say something like { ADDIN EN.CITE…
I am assuming you hadn’t openned or edited the document in google docs for example? which would compromise the fields. I see that it seems to be in google docs now, which may explain my issue… I don’t believe it is an endnote x9 vs endnote21 issue.