Option to re-open shared libraries (or open by default)

I have recently started using the shared library feature of EndNote X7 (which is great, btw), but have come across a not so useful behaviour of the software. Colleagues who I have shared the library with must re-open the library manually every time they re-open EndNote. This is not so usefull for people who are using EndNote simply to access a shared library, rather than their own local library. 

As mentioned in Case #TS-02584360,  this funcionality does not currently exist in EndNote, so I would like to suggest that some form of ‘re-open shared libraries that were open when the program closed’ or ‘default libraires to load on program launch’ option(s) be added. 


I agree!

The shared library is already stored locally in %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\EndNote, so I don’t know if there is any good reason why EndNote cannot remember and re-open this local instance of the shared library as the last open library, and then perform synchronization after it has been opened.

In fact, it is a bit worrying to me if my colleagues will need internet access to open a shared library, even though it is stored locally. 

I haven’t used shard libraries yet, what happens the person opening the shared library adds the shared library to the Libraries window in Preferences, Libraries? Will this work?

Good question… I missed that preference option completely… it certainly looks like it fulfils the second part of the request - i.e. default libraires to load on program launch, but I suspect it won’t work as the ‘open the most recently used library’ option isn’t causing the shared library to be opened…

I’ll report back once I’ve had a chance to have them test that dialog for me :wink:

I didn’t know about this option either. I just tested it on a colleague’s computer, and it worked, the shared library opened with EndNote! It’s funny that the shared library cannot be remembered as “most recent library”, but it is now possible to add it to the list of automatically opened libraries, maybe it’s a sort of bug. Maybe TR will argue “It’s not a bug, it’s a feature!” :wink:

This should be promoted somehow, I can add it to tips and tricks…