Thanks. I think that most Vancouver based styles are numbered or they have max 3 authors in the reference lists. We are looking for a style with 6 authors. It really seems hard to find.
Any output style can be modified to your needs rather than trying to find exactly what you need in the existing 6000+ styles for the desktop version. The online version has more restricted options.
I am sure it is there somewhere, a desktop version that has what you need, but how to find it!
I see that Vancouver “out of the box”, is a numbered style, so I took the Vancouver numbered style and changed the citation template to (Author, year| p. or pp. cited pages|), and if 3 or more show first author et al… That may need to be changed further if you need to show more or less authors and how it may handle ambiguous authorship (I selected adding a or b to the year).
Thanks, the style looks OK. Yes, we would need this kind of style for Online (Vancouver-based but Author+Year with 6 authors visible), as with desktops we already have couple of modified styles like that in use.
Browsing through the thousands of Online styles is too hard so wanted to ask here if someone knows such a style already. EndNote support told us that only librarians, administrators or journal editors are be able to submit the request for adding own styles on Clarivate website.
Would appreciate a lot for a good tip on this kind of style available for Online. Thanks a lot!