Have an option for password protection of EndNote files with several access levels: read-only, full access, etc. It is a critical feature for a shared library stored on a file server. Examples include publication records of an academic department, recommended reading for students, etc. when many people can see but only few are allowed to make changes.
We solve this by placing the library in a folder with the appropriate read only access. The problem comes when someone with read write access has it open, then no one else can open it. So we have a copy of the library in a limited access read/write folder which is copied nightly into a read only folder that users can access. This protects the library, allows multiple users to open it simultaneously for use, and has a write version that can simulaneously be open for editing. A more elegant solution a la - “the library is open by another user, would you like to open it in read only mode” would be useful.
Thanks Leanne, I will take your advice and do this on the server level. Would be helpful however if endnote people implement access control and collaborative work features to their next release.
We can add this idea to our [very, very long] list of product suggestions to consider but currently there are no specific plans to add this type of feature to EndNote. The preferred method for file sharing is:
Use the method that Leanne suggests
Use the “Group Sharing” options in EndNote Web. Controls for “read only” and “read write” access are already built into EndNote Web. Records can very easily be transferred from a local EndNote library to an EndNote Web library.
Jason Rollins, the EndNote team