Placing full bibliographic information in the main text

I was hoping to use Endnote to put together a reading list so that I can have the bibliographic information entered into the programme in case I ever wanted to go back and use the resources.  I was wondering if it’s possible to format the in-text citations like you would a Chicago style footnote, so that I can just drag in the citation under a particular week’s reading and it pops up with the full citation when formatted.  

I’ve attempted to do this through creating a new output style and using the generic Chicago A footnote formatting as the citation style:

Author, “Title,”| in Secondary Title|, ed. Secondary Author|, Tertiary Title| (|Place Published|: Publisher, Year|; reprint, Reprint Edition|)|, Cited Pages|., 

but realised quickly that this doesn’t differentiate between books and edited books or journals, so you get:

Linklater, Andrew, “Unneccessary Suffering,” in Worlds in Collision: Terror and the Future of the Global Order, ed. Ken Booth and Tim Dunne (Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002).

which is correct, but 

Chandler, David, “From Kosovo to Kabul and Beyond: Human Rights and International Intervention,” (London: Pluto Press, 2005).

which isn’t, since the title should be in italics, but the title is defined as being in quotes.  

Obviously the solution would be to have more than one type of formatting in Citations -> Templates, but this doesn’t seem to be possible.  I was wondering if anyone might be able to suggest a solution or workaround that doesn’t involve defining all of the books’ titles as Secondary Titles?


Would selecting the records you wanted in your document, with an output style that the bibliography would match your needs, , and just using the ctrl K (=“copy formatted” in Endnote) and ctrl V ( paste in word) – get you want you want?

 (this would be in regular text and not linked to endnote)

Thanks - this will definitely work.  Didn’t realise there was more than one possible copy function.

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