Possible Bug - Incorrect Hyperlink Formatting in EndNote 21

I am writing to report a bug in EndNote 21 regarding hyperlink formatting in citation styles. When a URL is entered with the “https://” prefix, followed by a number (e.g., “https://doi.org”), the final punctuation (such as a period) incorrectly becomes part of the hyperlink. This issue persists even when I attempt to use the separator character (|) to distinguish between the URL and the punctuation, but the character does not function as expected.
This behavior affects the correct formatting of bibliographic references, as punctuation should appear outside the hyperlink.
Is there a solution?

Best regards,

I have discovered that the problem only occurs in the EndNote window, but not when citing in a Word document. In conclusion, it is not a problem for citations and bibliography.

Hi Nicolae,
Might this be related to a specific output style you’re using? Have you checked Tools>Output Styles>Edit “[which ever style is active]” >Bibliography>Templates? Then look for the reference type that’s giving you trouble and see if there are any punctuation symbols in the URL field. For example, using the APA 7th style for Journal Article I have:
“Author. (Year). Title [Translated Title] [Reviewed Item]|. Journal|, Volume|(Issue)|, Pages|, Article Article Number|.| https://doi.org/DOI (Reprint Edition) (Original Publication) (Errata)”
So, in this instance of an output style, the URL that appears in the bibliographic entry is constructed by mashing together https://doi.org/ with the doi number in the record in the format “10.1002/xxxx”
For me, this style works as expected and produces functional doi based URLs in both the Endnote display window and in my Word bibliography. UNLESS - I have an errant space or punctuation. AND if I remembered to clean up after importing from the publisher - Some, such as Elsevier and Wiley export to RIS the doi in the full URL format “https://doi.org/10.1002/xxxx” whereas some other publishers (such Springer Nature, TF, Sage, PLOS, ACS) export it in “correct” RIS format “10.1002/xxxxx.” So if you don’t edit the doi after importing from an Elsevier or Wiley you get “https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1002/xxxx” which obviously won’t work.
Don’t know if this helps, but I suspect something subtle in a style is messing you up, rather than a true software bug. (Although EN20 had bugs a plenty. I am much happier with EN21 btw. It works almost as well as EN19)