My version of endnote can´t “communicate” with word. Therefore I can´t insert my references in word-documents.
Is there anyway to “preview” the references-layout in endnote, in this case in Vancouver and then copy-paste to my document?
Best Regards
Yes, if you go into the style manager, (edit>edit output styles, then choose open style manager,) it will show some examples.
OR if you have the output style selected in endnote, it will show you in the preview window what a specific record will look like in the endnote program. And you can “copy formated” (which on a PC is ctrl+K so on a Mac is probably apple+K) and paste it into the bibliography.
But finally, I believe that if you save the word document as an RTF (or ODT) document, you can format paper from endnote and generate the citations and the bibliography in the document itself.