Hi everybody,
I’m sure I’m not the only one having a problem with this function and after many unsuccesfull trial, I finally found a solution to my problem. Maybe you are in the same situation so I decide to post a complete procedure convert the pdf to relative links. You may have encountered the problem because you converted an old ENDNOTE or PROCITE database to one of the new ENDNOTE version.This problem arise because of the structure of the path which link to the pdf. If the structure is looking like this:
D:\Poly\Bibliotheque\Articles\Targeted gold nanorod contrast agent for prostate cancer detection by photoacoustic imaging.pdf
then you should read this message. Here are the procedure:
1. Create a new output style containing only the link to the pdf.
a) Go to Edit -->Output Style → New Style
b) Under Bibliography and Template, add the field files attachment.
c) Save and close this window.
2. Choose this new style
a) Go to Edit → Output Style → Style Manager, and mark your newly created style.
b) Under Edit → Output Style, select your style.
3. Now in the preview window you should see the full path of your pdf. For example:
D:\Poly\Bibliotheque\Articles\Targeted gold nanorod contrast agent for prostate cancer detection by photoacoustic imaging.pdf
If your link has the same structure, ENDNOTE will never be able to convert correctly the link to a relative link. To solve this problem use this procedure:
4. Add the command file:// in front of your pdf path
a) Select all the references with direct Path (Ex. D:\Poly…)
b) Go to Edit → Change Text…
c) In the “In tab”, chose file attachment
d) In the search for box type (adjust to your path name), type D:\Poly\
Make sure the box Match Words is NOT checked
e) In the change the text to box (adjust to your path name), type file://D:\Poly\
Make sure the box Retain Capitalization IS checked
5. In the preview windows, you should now see
file://D:\Poly\Bibliotheque\Articles\Targeted gold nanorod contrast agent for prostate cancer detection by photoacoustic imaging.pdf
6. Select all your references and use the command “Convert to Relative Links”
a) Under Reference–>File Attachments -->Convert to relative links
7. If this is not working try to copy your library and .Data folder in the root of your hard drive (Ex. D:) and try the same procedure.
8. If this is still not working, praise GOD for some help!
I hope this will help some of you!
Note: If you are using Endnote X2, leave your library in your usual folder (don’t bring it to the root of your hard drive) because this version is smart enough to ask you for a shorter name for your pdf during the conversion process. If your names are too long and you then try to move the library and the .data folder somewhere else deeper in your hard drive, you may loose a lot of your links (and you won’t know which) because windows may shorten automatically the name of the files and will not tell you! For all other versions, you will need to keep your database in the root of your hard drive.
Message Edited by daseinmalinge on 10-08-2008 03:11 PM