put additional words into the brackets

Hi there,

I searched the web a huge amount of time now and I’m really sorry if this is such a basic question I have but I couldn’t find an answer on the web and I’m fairly new to EndNote.

Anyway, I’m working with Word, EndNoteX4 and use the APA 6th style. Everything works fine, I however want to put some more information in the citation bracket and EndNote or Word (not sure about this) doesn’t allow me to do so. If I type something additionally into the bracket, it just disappears after some seconds.

To give you an example sentence: “The memory task (Miller & Meyer, 2005) was used.”

I however want to add the abbrevation of the task into the same brackets too, like this: “The memory task (MT; Miller & Meyer, 2005) was used”

If I simply type it in, it just disappears after some seconds. Does anyone have a simple solution for this?

Thank you sooo much for any help or any useful like. I’m really getting crazy about this. Best, Martina

You want to right click in the reference and select “edit citation” option rather than trying to type it directly into the citation, which is a “field” and not plain text. .  There you can put prefix or suffix information (a rather simple to use dialog box).  If you want to use the Cite pages field there, you do need to ensure your citation template for that style includes the cited pages field too.  (Personally, I just type pages into the suffix field when I want them.)

Thank you very much! That was really helpful, it works perfectly :slight_smile: