Redundant Year in Citations

I am using EndNote X.7. We created a document using Google Docs and cited the references using “{Author, year}” without quotes. Once we completed the document, I downloaded it as a Word document. In Word I clicked “Update Citations and Bibliography” and in a few seconds the document was ready with all the citations and bibliography according to Chicago style that I had chosen. However, for many citations, the year appeared twice. For example, (Wang et al. 2012 2012). If I change the style to IEEE that uses numbering rather than author names and year, the citations appear as, e.g., [12, 13 2010, 14 2009, 15]. I could go and remove the extra years manually but the problem is that in the cited example instead of [12-15], the citations would appear as [12, 13 ,14, 15] after removing the year. When I look at the bibliography entries of these specific citations, the year appears twice at the end of the reference if I have chosen IEEE as the style. If I choose Chicago style, for some of the cases (not all) the year appears with authors and then repeats again somewhere in the reference.

I was a Zotero user before and have imported all the references into EndNote from Zotero by saving the references in RIS format and then importing into EndNote. The import was clear without any issues.

If you return the document in to temporary citations, is the year there twice?  (endnote ribbon, convert citations to temporary). 

I could only find “Convert to Unformatted Citations” in the End Note ribbon. I clicked on this and the year appears only once in all the citations.

that is what I meant.

Does the record number now appear in the unformatted citation? 

if you refomat, does it look correct now?  –

if not can you attach the output style you are using and if possible zip the word document or change the name of the formatted word document so it ends in .zip(otherwise the forum rules don’t allow posting of some file types including PDF and DOCX). It only allows enz,ens,enf,xml,gif,jpg,jpeg,txt,zip extensions. 

I can look at it, or PM me and I will give you my email and you can email the files directly to me. 

Thanks for helping. The record numbers do not appear in those references that are giving trouble. When I reformat, the problem is there as is. I can attach the Word document as a zip file. Shall I give you the file after updating the references in the document or you need it in its original form as it was downloaded from Google Docs? Also, I couldn’t understand the “output style” that you have asked. I am either using “Chicago 16th Author-Date” style or “IEEE” style from EndNote ribbon in Word. How can I attach it as a file?

If you didn’t download them, they are in your D:program folder/endnote/styles folder.  If you downloaded them, they are in your “library” or "myDocuments/endnote/styles folder.  If you didn’t edit the style, – I don’t really need you to send it to me. 

One more thing.  click in the formated in text citation, then right click and edit citation .  Is there a year in the suffix or page number rather than the box with author name?  

A version that is formated with endnote citations in the word document would be best to zip.  

Following your instructions, I reached the EndNote dialog box “EndNote X7 Edit and Manage Citations”. In the lower half of the dialog box and under the “Edit Citation” tab, I found year against the “suffix” field for all those references that were giving trouble. (The upper half of this dialog box enlists the citations.) I removed year from the suffix and pressed ok. EndNote updated the document and removed the redundant year from the citations for whom year was removed from the suffix field. However, in the bibliography list, the year still appears twice. An example is as follows:

[55] D. W. Marquardt, “An algorithm for least-squares estimation of nonlinear parameters,” Journal of the Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics, vol. 11, pp. 431-441, 1963 1963.

Two questions:

  1. Is there a way to automatically remove year from the suffix rather than doing it manually for each citation (provided this is really the solution to my problem)?

  2. How do I remove the redundant year from the references in the bibliography list?

Thanks again. I will send you my Word file if it is still required.

send me the file.   – it seems strange, but maybe it will be obvious to me when I see it.  see the Private message (little envelope up over there – way up in the right corner under the search button.