I am writing my bachelor thesis at moment. I would like to move the reference list up from the bottom of my word document. I already tried the solutions i found here in the forum for X5.
But when i try to move the reference list every single reference is put on a new page into a heading, whever i do “cut” and “paste” or “drag” and “drop”.I am using Word 2010 and EndNote X4.
this is because the new placement is picking up the “header” paragraph style due to the way your cut paste settings are set. Have you tried ythe “format bibliography” from the word endntoe toolbar, as it may reapply the correct formatting automatically? The easiest way to avoid this is to first introduce two (to be safe) new paragraphs after your “References” paragraph and make sure the paragraph settings for those are not set for new page, right click, format paragraph (2nd tab, line and Page Breaks, and untick all the pagination settings to blank). Alternatively you may find that the little clipboard that comes up right after a paste procedure can be used to retain the formating rather than adopt the formating from the new location.
I tried it again, and now the “cut” and “paste” method works. For some reason word didn’t change the paragraph style the first time i tried it, i had to do it a few times before it worked. Thank you for you help Leanne.