References at the end is not overwritten but duplicated

Dear endnote community,

having some trouble with endnote x5. If i add a reference, update them or just remove one, my reference list at the end of the document is doubled. If i do it again there’s a third version and so on ending up in about 15 pages of reference lists after one hour of writing…

I’m using endnote with word 2010 and have really no idea what to do? Please let me know if you have some.


To fix this annoying problem.   see FAQ 15’s answer  for a way to clean up the codes in the document (even though it sounds like a completely different error).  Unfortunately if I try to put the direct link to the knowledge base, it always gives a “session timed out” error message and I can’t figure out how to get the correct link!

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No worries I found it without a linking;) Thanks a lot! Now it’s working without any problems and extra pages that are worth nothing!