Reformat document to show multiple references within 1 bracket


Using Endnote on Mac and have written entire thesis with reference that looks like:

(Bragg, 2007), (Brindley, 2015) 

Want to have multiple refernes in one bracket.

Have been into edit and changed the format from comma space to semi-colon space but do not know how to apply this to an aready written document.

Help needed please!


if there is no comma or space – it should update the next time you enter a new citation or if you hit the update option on the ribbon.  –

Since many of us have word automatically insert a space when you insert text (as an autoformat option and I think it is defaulted in MSWord), that is enough to separate two independently inserted citations.  – be very careful you don’t delete a parenthesis as you may corrupt the citation field.  Alternatively you can unformat (“convert to unformated citations”) and search and replace } { or }, { with nothing, and then “update the citations and bibliography”. 

of course always make a copy of the document prior to any global modifications like unformating or search and replaces… just in case.