It will be output style specific, and you need to edit it if you want something different.
– The settings for repeated citatons are by design to be formatted using the “short form” in the footnote templates. To avoid this, you can copy the tempate from the 1st to the short form in the template. also there are settings for “ibid” footnotes when they are consecutive. you need to check these settings too. See the two attached images for these two places in footnotes.
Save the edited output style to a new name – and then make sure you change the document to utilize the new name in the endnote tools in word.
It should look like this. Not sure why the | are inside the parentheses. I would construct the citations to look like this where the * is a “link adjacent” space (looks like the little circle/diamond in your screen shots). Then the comma and any punctuation only needed for the cited pages with appear when there is a page and the parentheses will be linked with the year. the way it was, the close parenthesis was linked to the cited pages field and would only appear if there was a cited page…