When using Endnote X1, I was always prompted to select the database I wanted to import references to (when using direct export from Medline). Now I am using X2.0.1 and references are automatically imported to whichever database is currently open. Is there any way to get the prompting back? Was this an intentional change or will it be “fixed” in a later version or patch?
I think that this was a deliberate “feature.” It takes a bit of getting used to.
On the other hand, it can be dangerous to maintain more than one library. Many of the problems reported on this forum arise from the fact that the user has been maintaining multiple libraries.
Well that’s unfortunate!
It’s not that hard to work around, but it does create the opportunity for references to go into the wrong database. Although it may be dangerous to maintain multiple databases, I find it much easier to organize databases by subject matter so I know where to look depending on which topic I’m writing on.
@jlc wrote:
I find it much easier to organize databases by subject matter so I know where to look depending on which topic I’m writing on.
That is really what keywords and groups are for. If you have one, you don’t have to keep track of overlapping subjects, and don’t have to have the same paper in two different databases (which may lead to makeing a correction or note in one, and not the other copy). If you guess wrong on which database you put something into, you have to find it.
Just sayin’
I guess I haven’t explored all of the options within Endnote. I know that keywords can be imported automatically with a “complete citation” but do references have to manually be added to groups?
With X2 and X3 you can set up “smart groups” that will automatically add new references that have the appropriate search characteristics (like match a search for keywords, or words in the title, etc). Try it - you’ll like it!
I merged my databases tonight and started some smart groups…
You were right - I like it!