Separate URL and parentheses in the Bibliography

I am trying to create a style where the bibliography template for Web pages has the URL in parenthisis. The bibliography entry should show up as follows

Author. Title. Publisher. Date. Access Date. (accessed from <URL>)

Howeve no matter what I do, the Endnote includes the closing parenthesis as a part of the URL and thus clicking the URL leads you to an incorrect/non-existent page. How do I make endnote not include the parenthesis into the field?

This is the template I am using

Author. Title. [Type of Medium] Place Published: Publisher. Year updated Last Update Date. URL.: URL Accessed: Access Year-Access Date (accessed from <URL Field> )


I can’t replicate the problem.  I got this after pasting your template below in. 

(with the record in the attached snip):  

Office of Animal Care and Use, National Institutes of Health. Guidelines for the euthanasia of rodent feti and neonates. Washington, DC: NIH. 2004 updated May 24 2016. URL.: Accessed: 2005-8 February (accessed from < Field>)  

or if I remove the word “field” from the template (as I don’t have that field) I get this

Office of Animal Care and Use, National Institutes of Health. Guidelines for the euthanasia of rodent feti and neonates. Washington, DC: NIH. 2004 updated May 24 2016. URL.: Accessed: 2005-8 February (accessed from <>)

note I got the URL twice.

Your template looks overly complex for what you want in the output.  Did you try pasting in your simpler template? In your original, I am not sure what you want to appear and what words you want to appear where.  There is a full stop preceding the colon, why?  several time the word URL appears with ` which means “as is and don’t replace with the field contents with that name”.  Without link adjacent and separation characters it is hard to predict what will appear where with this template, since I don’t know exactly what fields you utilized and which are blank.  

Author. Title. Publisher. Date. Access Date. |(accessed from <URL>)|

How do the URL and the “URL field” differ in your record?  

In a test where I simply removed the word “field” it didn’t adopt the > or the ) as a part of the url.  

Can you attach your modified style to test directly?  

Are you using Microsoft word?  What version, what operating system, what are the autocorrect/“autoformat as you type” and “autoformat” settings (under options/proofing) with regard to internet addresses as it Word that does the actual conversion to html (they should be ticked).  

so I ended up with this (if your field is called URL Field).  

Author. Title. |[Type of Medium] |Place Published: |Publisher. |Year |updated Last Update Date. |Accessed: Access Year-Access Date |(accessed from <URL Field>)|

which gave me this (with the record in the attached snip):  

Office of Animal Care and Use, National Institutes of Health. Guidelines for the euthanasia of rodent feti and neonates. Washington, DC: NIH. 2004 updated May 24 2016. Accessed: 2005-8 February (accessed from < Field>)

I have an additional field that i label Webcite other than the URL field.

The idea is to cite the original URL  in the URL field and then also cite the archive URL. I am using Webcite to archive the URL.

I tried to simplify the Bibliography template and it’s as follows:

Author. Year. Title. URL: URL Accessed:Access Year-Access Date (Archived by WebCite® at WebCite)

Please check the attached image for the formatted  citation (the forum gives me errors when I try to have a URL in the messages) 

The attached screenshot may illustrate what I mean. At least in endnote the closing parenthesis at the end of the Webcite URL is included into the Webcite URL itself. I’ve tried putting a space there, a forced seperator etc but that hasn’t helped so far.

 Thanks for your reply Leanne

The forum is giving me constant problems with posting replies due to some HTML errors. Please see the replyu in the attached screenshots. Sorry about this and thanks for your replies Leanne.

Turns out it was a problem with endnote and when i added the citation to word, word parsed the links correctly and did not included the parentheses in the URL like Endnote was doing.