I would like to make items in my bibliography URL-Active. I do NOT want to manually add hyperlinks.
The best solution for me would be to edit the template and insert something like BBCode or HTML tags and then have word execute that to properly format the item.
This is my current template for a journal article reference type.
Title, <i><a href=“URL”>Journal</a></i> <b>Year</b>|, Volume|, Pages|. Author <br><br>
I can take this out to HTML, and open the file in HTML. I can copy it back to word with the intact link-active journal name, but I lose all my formatting-- tabs and carriage returns being the most depressing. So either I need tabs and carriage returns in HTML or I need autoshortening URLs in endnote.
I am currently using X2 because I fear change.
However, my wife is using X5 and I’m looking for the same solution for her.
I’m also using Word 2007 and she’s on 2013.