Sort order determined by journal issue number

Dear all,

I just updated my Endnote software to 7.5. The problem that I face now is that when I insert a citation into my Word document, the citation number is the issue number of the journal of the reference that I want to cite. For example, if I want to cite the following reference (see below), the citation that I get into my word document is 12.

‘Fonoudi H., H. Ansari, S. Abbasalizadeh, et al., A Universal and Robust Integrated Platform for the Scalable Production of Human Cardiomyocytes From Pluripotent Stem Cells. Stem Cells Transl Med, 2015. 4(12): p. 1482-94’

I checked everything in my output style, but I can’t find the problem. The citation order in the bibliography section is ‘Order of appearence’ and in the citation section it is ‘Same as bibliography’. 

Has anyone seen this before, or has an idea to solve this? What I want to achieve is that my citation are ordered in a chronological way throughout my document.

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,

For the record, this happens for every referenceI try to cite and when I manually change the issue number of the reference to e.g. ‘86547’, the citation I get in my Word document is 86547. So I am sure the citation number is based on the issue number of the reference.

Kind regards,

Okay, after endlessly playing with the settings this problem got solved. I am not sure why, but I think this had something to do with the instant formatting option. Anyway, it’s solved!