Style in EndNote

I need the EndNote Style of the “bulletin de la société de pathologie exotique” :  The references are listed in alphabetical order. References are composed as follows: a number, indicated in the text in parentheses; the author’s surname, followed by the initial of the first name; the year, the title of the publication, the abbreviation of the title of the issue according to the Index Medicus; the volume number; the first and last page. Cite all authors when they are four or fewer, otherwise cite the first three, followed by et al.

Example of citation: 

1. Ben Brahim H, Loussaief C, Hadded A, et al (2008) La mastite tuberculeuse: étude de 15 cas. Rev Tun Infectiol 2(3): 31–4

Modified from Numbered.  Is this close?  

Numbered Copy.ens (15.8 KB)

Yes it’s close, the authors when they are four or fewer must be cited, the title should not be italicized, the journal must be abbreviated.

I set it to abbreviations 1 but if you don’t have the journal terms list set up correctly - it won’t do anything. So the abbreviation piece you need to follow the instructions in the knowledgebase article. (I also turn off the autoupdate preferences, to prevent newly imported records from messing it up.)

 Editing the templates in the output style should be set up (I thought I did the 3/4 et al thingy, but maybe I forgot to save it). I can try to finess it again if you ask (but I am on a deadline) or you can learn to edit output styles so you have full control? and

okay, removed italics.  I think I fixed it so the authors should appear correctly as you stated… (needed to be if 5 or more show 3 so sorry about that).

Numbered no-italics.ens (16.5 KB)