There is a problem I am having when I insert subsequent citations in my word document. I am using Reference Manager 12 with Microsoft Word 2010.
If I insert a citation which points to a new reference and then I want to insert that same citation again further on in my paper (after having added 2 or 3 new citations pointing to new references), how do I get the second citation to point to the same reference in my bibliography and show the same number? The way reference manager is doing things now, a new reference is added to the bibliography with a different number but the same bibliographic information.
I am using AIAA style and I’m only showing the citation number surrounded by brackets in my in-text citations.
I would first make sure you do not have duplicates in your database.
There are two ways to search for duplicates in Reference Manager. The “Check for Duplicates” command, located under the References menu, will only search for duplicates of record(s) currently highlighed
If you use this command, make certain that you have the record that you are looking for a duplicate of highlighted in the Reference List.
The “Duplicate Search” command, located in the Tools menu under the Batch Operations submenu, will search the entire database, or even all open databases for records that are duplicates.
If you still do not get duplicates in the search, then you may need to broaden the options for Duplicates. You can do this from Tools > Options > Duplicate Search. Here, you can specify which fields are checked for duplicate information as well as adjust how much of certain fields are check for duplicated information.
Once you have removed the duplicates or determined you do not have duplicates then I would use the following steps to clean up the document.
Make a backup of your document.
Reference Manager 12 in Word 2007/2010/2013: Go to the Reference Manager 12 tab and choose the “Convert Citations and Bibliography > Convert to Unformatted Citations” command.
Reference Manager 10/11 in Word 2007: Go to the Add-Ins tab and choose the “Reference Manager > Revert to Original Text” command.
Word 2000/XP/2003: Go to the Tools Menu and select “Reference Manager > Revert to Original Text” command.
This will remove the reference list and revert the citations.
Press [Ctrl]+A on the keyboard to highlight everything.
Press [Ctrl]+6 (above the “T” and “Y” key) to remove any additional hidden field codes.
Press [Ctrl]+C to copy the highlighted text.
Open a new document and press [Ctrl]+V to paste.
You should now be able to format this cleaned up version of the document without running into problems.