As a long term user of Endnote, many versions, I would like to make the following suggestions for product improvements
- When you right click on a PDF in the Summary pane, you cannot use the Copy command. Activating this would make life easier for the user to easily copy a PDF for pasting, say, into an email.
- It is possible to select a group of references and have them updated altogether at one time. But it is not possible to search the web for full text documents for the same complete group at one time. Only one reference carries out the web search for a document.
- There is a lot of free space above the main reference window, where a few commands are included on the right side. Why not add more commands into this space? For example, a Reference Update button instead of having to right click then select that command for any reference.
- Please add the Change Caps command back into the format group together with Italics, Bold and Underline. This command disappeared several versions ago.
Hope you adopt these suggestions