Support Microsoft Sharepoint 2010

Now I’m using Microsoft Sharepoint workspace 2010 with Endnote x4 Trial Verstion.

When I put  the Endnote Files into the Sharepoint 2010 workspace folder, I can’t read the endnote files.

From this reason, I can’t share my endnote files easily with my research group members.

Could you add this function?

Are you posting the .enlx version of your EndNote library to Sharepoint? Based on our tests, this should work just fine. Your research group colleagues will just need to re-save the file as an .enlx to check the library back in to Sharepoint.

If you are experiencing something different, please let me know and we will look into it.

Jason Rollins, the EndNote team

It should be noted that it’s not recommended to use Sharepoint for active use of your EndNote library.

There are a few known issue with opening a library on a sharepoint.

Namely, it appears that libraries opened in a Sharepoint environment are easily corrupted.

Additionally, you may get a generic “EndNote Error” when attempting to open the library.

In this cases, it’s recommended that you make a local (either local drive, or local network) copy of the library, and use it, instead of the Sharepoint.

I believe that JasonR was referring to placing a library on a Sharepoint for the purpose of making it available to others for downloading to their system, and using.

