Switch between endnotes and footnotes


I have a long Word 2013 document with EndNote X7 references all through it. At the moment, references are in-text and there’s a bibliogrpahy at the end of the document.

While I finish editing the document, I would like to switch the current bibliography to footnotes, so that I can see the references which appear on each page and double-check them more easily. Once I’ve finished editing, I want to switch everything back to one reference list at the end of the document.

This is easy to do when using footnotes/endnotes in Word alone, but I don’t know how to do it when references are inserted and managed using EndNote. I have tried different referencing styles, but they all maintain a single reference list at the end of the document. I have also tried the Word function for switching endnotes and footnotes, but this does not work because I’ve used EndNote.



There are macros that have been described, and tech responses say that they have tools to accomplish this too.  I would try tech support before trying to get the macro to work? 


Thanks Leanne, will try that :-).