I’m tweaking my EndNote APA 5th output style so it accommodates electronic document formats but am puzzling over the syntax needed to address the “Report” output style and would appreciate any suggestions. For brevity, I’m just showing the last line of the reference but the full syntax is listed at the end of the message.
1. Where the reference has a URL needs to be stated this way:
Retrieved from National Center for Education Statistics: http://nces.ed.gov/pubs/2006/2006483.pdf
2. Where the reference has a URL and needs to be stated this way:
Retrieved from http://www.nea.org/he/aboutthestudy.pdf
3. And where the reference is paper-based (no URL) so the phrase “Retrieved from” and the URL is omitted
My sample syntax is shown below (asterick represents the “link adjacent text” command):
Retrieved from
The syntax works only if the reference has a URL. Otherwise if it’s paper document, the syntax causes the 2-word phrase “Retrieve from” to appear in the output.
Thanks for the time and help.
Here’s the entire Report output format (bold indicates field name; underscore indicates blank space):
Author._( Year ).__ Title _|._(| Type |Report_No.
\ *Report_Number |)._|\ *City :*I nstitution |.*Retrieved_from
|\ *Department/Division |\ *URL