Ok - I am using Wondows Vista, Endnote X1 and am having issues with the travel library.
I have updated my Main Endnote library removing duplicates, and changing upper case entries to normal, etc.
When I try to update the citations in my word document and the intext bibliography - they won’t update. Instead I am getting duplicates, e.g. a,b,c for the same reference as well as the old mistakes. I have noticed the Endnote tab in word referring to a travel library, not always but most of the time, but also referring to another library - that does not exist anymore.
I have tried the following already with no luck:
-Changing how duplicates are recognised - edit>preferences>duplicates - and ticked most boxes = did not work.
-Made sure I have checked the “merge duplicates in biblioography” box also in edit>preferences>formatting options = did not work.
-Imported the travel library - saved as a new library [this shows all the old ‘wrong’ references] - deleted them and imported the ‘correct’ references into this library… then tried to Format Bibliography from this library. This starts in word, but then is interrupted before completetion saying:
“This action cannot be completed because the “microsoft word document name” program is not responding. Choose “Swtich To” and correct the problem” - I choose “switch to” and go to word with no indication of any problem or any idea how to fix the unknown problem.
There must be a way where I can export my main library to the travel library and update it - otherwise why is my word travelling library not ‘communicating’ with my main library - they should whether both are open (tried both open, or not) or not.
Please help - this is so frustrating and I cannot do this by hand.