Travel library won't update from Main library


Ok - I am using Wondows Vista, Endnote X1 and am having issues with the travel library.

I have updated my Main Endnote library removing duplicates, and changing upper case entries to normal, etc.

When I try to update the citations in my word document and the intext bibliography - they won’t update. Instead I am getting duplicates, e.g. a,b,c for the same reference as well as the old mistakes. I have noticed the Endnote tab in word referring to a travel library, not always but most of the time, but also referring to another library - that does not exist anymore.

I have tried the following already with no luck:

-Changing how duplicates are recognised - edit>preferences>duplicates - and ticked most boxes = did not work.

-Made sure I have checked the “merge duplicates in biblioography” box also in edit>preferences>formatting options = did not work.

-Imported the travel library - saved as a new library [this shows all the old ‘wrong’ references] - deleted them and imported the ‘correct’ references into this library… then tried to Format Bibliography from this library. This starts in word, but then is interrupted before completetion saying:

“This action cannot be completed because the “microsoft word document name” program is not responding. Choose “Swtich To” and correct the problem” -  I choose “switch to” and go to word with no indication of any problem or any idea how to fix the unknown problem.

There must be a way where I can export my main library to the travel library and update it - otherwise why is my word travelling library not ‘communicating’ with my main library - they should whether both are open (tried both open, or not) or not.

Please help - this is so frustrating and I cannot do this by hand.


This problem is because endnote matches references in pre X4 versions by author, record number and year.  - If any of those changed, it no longer recognizes the record as the one in your main library.  To reassociate all the changed refs, you need to unformat a copy of the paper (a copy in case anything horrible happens) and then reformat the document.  Those that no longer link to the library will probably find the correct match, and ask if it is correct… You also need to reenable the CWYW function during the reformating step.  X4 has some better logistics and doesn’t have as much of a problem with changes in records. 

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Thank you sooooo much - I have been trying to do that for months now and it works!!!

I also have this problem, only with the endnote web software. How can i unformate and reformate the document?

Your help really matters, i am already investing days to solve this problem, THANK YOU!!

I also have this problem, only with the endnote web software. How can i unformate and reformate the document?

Your help really matters, i am already investing days to solve this problem, THANK YOU!!