"Traveling library" - purpose AND "reference numbers"

I have a Word 2007 document, based on an old Endnote library that does not exists any more. However, I still have a library containing all the references (but it is not the same as original - it is much larger). Consequently if I make any change in that library it DOES NOT reflect in the Word document. If I read correctly it is because of different “reference numbers”. I don’t want to insert all the references again as it would take me a lot of time.

I exported traveling library to Endnote and I obtain only the references in the Word document.Ok, that is fine. But the problem with reflecting changes made in Endnote to the Word document still exists… because of different “reference numbers”. So I am asking what is the purpose of travelling library in “reference numbers” are not exported correctly.

Why I am asking this. Well, I had (and still have) a problem. I had several libraries. Lately I combined all together into one library as it was more convenient and created different groups. After that I deleted old libraries as I did not need them any more. However, I have huge problem now as described above. All the references have different “reference numbers” as are in all my Word documents. So none of the changes in Endnote reflects in none of the Word document. Should I go through all the documents and replacing the references?

I hope that there is a better solution. I am really looking for your answers.

Thank you in advance!

Well, I can take a stab, but you probably aren’t going to like it. 

The traveling library was designed so you could collaborate with a colleague and not have to share the library.  As libraries grow, it becomes more difficult to transfer them along with the paper. It is a temporary, per paper solution.  If two people are inserting references from their own library into one paper, the possiblity exists that there will be two records with the same record number.  Exporting this traveling library would be inconsistant with the endnote database structure, which requires the record number to be a unique field.  

So if the traveling library wasn’t there, you wouldn’t have been able to throw away your old libraries.  If it is there, you shouldn’t throw away your old libraires.  Since the traveling libraries purpose is NOT so you don’t need to keep the primary library with the primary data structure.  That isn’t its primary purpose. 

What you CAN do (prospectively and not retrospectively), is to use a different field like “page numbers” (a preference setting).  As long as everyone is using a similar database to build their library and page numbers are consistent between libraries, this might avoid the non-matching record number.  However I just tested it, and changing that preference doesn’t replace the record number with pages of existing inserted references, just new ones.  So it won’t fix the problem, but might prevent it if you are clarvoyent enough to figure you might want to combine libraries at some point and throw the original ones away.  Obviously if you made a change to the page number field, you would be back where you started.

By the way,  there have been times when I really did want a sub-library containing the papers used in a manuscript with the original record numbers.  Pre X3 - this means getting a selection of library reflecting the papers and then hiding them and deleting all thre rest of the library (on a copy of course).  But now wiith the compress a selection in X3 - it is a bit easier.  But wouldn’t it be nice if it were an additional choice in the compress menu?

Anyway, what I do, is unformat the references in a manuscript to their curley bracketed form.  Delete the residual bibliography (don’t know if this is necessary, but it seems prudent).  I save the paper as an RTF document.  Then I close Word2003 and from Endnote X3, I choose Tools>format paper.  This brings up a dialog that lists all the cited references.  You can select all the references and “lookup” (see attached screen shot image) and this will select the references used in the paper.  These can then be compressed (with or without their attachments) into a new .enlx file and then when that file is openned, it is the new library with just the selected references, maintaining their original record numbers. 

But – remember if multiple libraries are used in a manuscript, you will still have to create multiple sublibraries to keep the record numbers intact.   

I have created a suggestionto improve this functionality, so one wouldn’t have to go thru the RTF trick. 

Message Edited by Leanne on 11-14-2009 01:22 PM