Am trying to insert some bibliographic references that are basically free text. (The entries are basically footnotes, but the file is for a book chapter that does not allow footnotes.) I have created these entries as a random reference type (say ‘Unpublished’: I have tried several and I have following problem with all of the ones tested). The 1st such citation works well and the text also appears as a bibliographic entry. All subsequent entries, however, are given the same citation number as the first one and do not appear in the bibliography.
Endnote only uses certain fields to distinguish “duplicates” and this causes a problem for things that don’t have unique authors and title fields, for example. And before you ask, the duplicate settings in preferences has nothing to do with what fields are checked.
Try turning off the “merge duplicates in bibliography”, setting in “Formatting” preferences. (see attached image).
or (and I suspect this is what you really want) – there is a “note” option, which you can add from the insert citation option on the word endnote ribbon dropdown?