I want to use the direct export citation option from nature cell biology. I get the message
“C:\Users\XX\AppData\Local\Temp\ncb2000-1.ris was not opened because there is no associated application. Change the association in your settings.” (approximated translation, the message I get is in french).
If I open this file from endnote X4 its OK.
I tried to change the association in FireFox, in the control panel (I’m running win 7 64 bits) but no way. What should I do ?
I use X4, Windows XP, Firefox 3.6.6. (I also use IE7 and Chrome, as the spirit moves me all three are installed, I think IE7 is my current default.)
In Firefox, I went to Nature Cell Biology, selected a reference, and used the “export citation” link. Firefox gives me a window to select “open with” (with default as shown in attached GIF), ResearchSoft Direct Export Helper), or “save”.
If I open, it opens X4 and imports the reference (the file name is rcb0710-635.ris, so a similar file name to yours). If I Save it, and open the downloaded file, it imports into X4 too. If you don’t have RS Direct Export Helper installed, I am not sure what happens with directly exporting. If the open with window was incorrectly assigned, and the “do this automatically box was checked” you can change it back by going into Firefox, options, applications and search for ris, you can set the action to “always ask” or set the action to use either the ResarchSoft Direct Export Helper, or maybe even Endnote, which also seemed to work for me (but then you don’t get the option to save it?)
If I repeat the process with Internet Explorer, it skips the question and automatically imports it into the open library.
Chrome auto saves it locally and when I open it, it also automatically imports it into the open library. If all cases, if X4 isn’t open, it automatically opens Endnote and inserts the reference into the default library (which I would prefer it not do, in case I want to import it into a different library - or check first if it is already there. Thus I try to make sure an alternative library is already open in Endnote before I do these auto-imports.