Unknown Error Has Occurred (401)


I am using Word 2016 and Endnote x7 on a Mac. Starting tonight every time I try to search and insert a reference I receive the same error message. I have tried updating both my endnote and my microsoft word and the probelm persists. Any time I try to connect Word to Endnote I receive this same message “An unknown error has occurred while communicating with the EndNote server. (401)”. A copy of the pop-up window is attached. Of note, When I went to update the endnote I had to do it manually because it could not connect. I am also unable to connect to any of the online reference libraries. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Dear bholland74,

Does the EndNote menu in Word read just EndNote or EndNote X7? If it reads just EndNote,  on the EndNote tab,click  preferences/application and set the application the EndNote instead of EndNote online.

I hope this is helpful.

Tom Hewitt, if I could reach through this computer, I’d kiss you!  I was 12 seconds away from flipping out.  Thanks for the fix.