I am referencing my thesis with Endnote X6 in windows 2013. ENdnote was working perflectly and a couple of days ago I got a message while updating my references it was something abour Error cannot delete interval. This message stopped appearing so I though everything was ok, but today I checked the previous chapters of my thesis and the references are a mess, they are copied upt to 10 times in a row and some references don´t match the ones that I had before. I deleted some of the references and try to fix the document , but everytime I update I get the endless lines of the same reference again! When I insert a single reference I noticed that is alredy copied at least twice. I only have one endnote library and I haven´t shared this document  Please help!!!

make a copy of the document, unformat to temporary citations –  are they all in {author, year #recno}?  – Then save it (append UF for unformatted) and then save again (add something like-clean)  to another new document, reformat bibliography.  if it still is messed up, go back to the saved unformatted version and clean up any residual fields  (ctrl A then ctrl+shift +F9) and then try reformatting - report back!  

P.S. – you could also call Tech Support www.endnote.com (or live chat? http://endnote.com/support/live-chat))

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Thank you!!  I¨ll give it a try ;)