Use custom reference types online?

I created some custom reference types with desktop EndNote.

And there are some references using these types.

After syncing it to EndNote web, the reference type changed to ‘Journal Article’, and all the fields of my custom reference type are lost.

I want to share the reference to others.

In this case, they won’t be able to see the custom field names.

And some other people don’t have desktop version of EndNote, so I can’t send them the XML file.

Can I use the XML file in EndNote web version?

EndNote online does not have the ability to import Custom Reference Types from the desktop version and you cannot make changes to the Reference Types in EndNote online.

If you would like to see this feature in a future version of EndNote online, You may want to submit a request for a product enhancement on our website.

I am looking to move from Endnote X8 to Endnote online and sharing administrator access with two colleagues.  My current database is heavily customised with custom fields - how will these appear when we import into the online version?  all three of us will be using the database for different purposes so we will need to further customise it to include different fields.  Is this possible?  Going by previous reply, it would appear not.