What does "posting date " mean ?

Hello all

I,m a user of X3 endnote and I,m seeking an urgent help.

I encounterd a problem in referencing  a webpage yesterday and I don’t know how can I solve it

When I wanted to enter a webpage data using " journal of clinical microbiology" format , I found a strange experssion which is " posting date " !

Please see this example :

NHS 2007, posting date. Screening for meticillin-resistant S_taphylococcus aureus_ (MRSA) colonisation. Department of Health. [Online.] 

Could you explain what is this ?

Moreover, why the URL didn’t appear in the ref  ?

Thanks all & I,m really greatful to you …

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A posting date usually refers to the date when the material was put online.  Dates are usually requested when dealing with materials that may be updated or subject to change.  Refer to the Journal of Clnical Microbiology’s instructions to authors at: http://jcm.asm.org/misc/journal-ita_org.dtl#02

If you examine the Journal of Clinical Microbiology’s style template (see attached image), it displays the fields that correspond to your NHS 2007 example.  You’ll notice that the template does not have a URL field included so you will need to add this field to the template and also have the URL listed in the corresponding reference template field.

To add the URL field to the style template:

1.  Go to the toolbar, select EDIT, OUTPUT STYLES, EDIT Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 

2.  In the left column locate the heading “Bibliography” then click to select “Templates”.  (Refer to attached image.) Scroll down the list until you reach the “Web Page” entry.

  1. Place your cursor at the place in the Web Page template where you want to have the URL listed. Then click the INSERT FIELD button, locate and select the URL field.  The URL field should now appear in the template.  If you need to add text before the URL, just encase the text with an accent grave before and after - just like it currently appears in the posting example:   posting date

  2. When you close the style you’ll be prompted to save the changes before closing.  Click YES and a second popup window appears, asking to save the changes to: Journal of Clinical Microbiology Copy.  If you save the style with this name, don’t forget to change the style in both the EndNote library and Microsoft Word to: Journal of Clinical Microbiology Copy - otherwise you will not see the changes in your EndNote library or MS Word documents.

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Thanks mates for your clear and invaluable assistance

all the best

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