What has happened to endnote web?

Am having considerable difficulty entering references into endnote web over the last week.

I now have to click on a field, wait for ages for it to load a text little box, type in the info, wait for it to save… I’m on a laptop and this amount of clicking and waiting and loading is driving me to distraction - I’m taking over ten minutes to enter a single reference!  The webpage also now has a tendancy to jump around, and the field I end up activating is never the field I want.

Please tell me I’ve done something to the settings by mistake which I can rectify, and that this isnt an Endnote ‘improvement’?

Hello - This latest 2.8 release did change how references are manually entered, mainly to allow for formatted text. Can you confirm what browser you are using and your OS so we can try to replicate the issues you mention? 

Best regards,

Mathilda, the EndNote team

Im using IE 8 and XP professional.

I have to say that being able to enter formatted text is a totally useless feature for me personally, and creates extra work - for titles of papers I will quite often just cut and paste from the pdf, so now I have fields with 22pt bolded and italicised text in them which need changed … individually … with a laptop mouspad…


We will investigate.  As an alternative, you might want to import the PDF record from a data provider to avoid the manual entry. With the browser/Cite While You Write plug-in installed,  you can go to a resource like Web of Knowledge or Google Scholar to locate the record and import it into your library. With Google Scholar, set your preferences to use the Bibliography Manager option to show the link to import into “RefMan.” Search for the title, then click the “Import to RefMan” link under the record to import into EndNote Web.

Thanks for the prompt reply. Whilst I appreciate your solution it is hardly time-efficient!

I hope that the developers of Endnote bear in mind that most people are working with a saved pdf of the paper, and therefore already have all the reference info in front of them. A simple copy/paste is always going to be faster than variations on the theme of import/export/search on the web/ locate this/install that, not to mention less glitchy (I spend about four hours this morning trying to find the hyphen that was preventing me from exporting a group). Why not embrace simplicity?

I am considering joining the ever increasing band of users that have ancient versions of endnote, as it actually works.