Word 2010 and Endnote X5


after installing Endnote X5 my Word 2010 doesn’t word anymore. I’m using Windows 7.

First Word will ask me, if I want to reload the normal.dot and then the eroor message appears “Word does not work” and then Word is closed.

I delete endnote and word and insttales new. But the same error.

What can I do?



I worked with another user yesterday who had been encountering this same behavior.  After checking the “COM Add-ins” window in Word 2010, we removed a “Send to Bluetooth” add-in.  Once this mentioned add-in was removed, Word no longer prompted about changes to the Normal template and would no longer crash.  I would suggest checking your Word installation for other third party add-in files-

1.  Open a Word document.

2,  In Word, click “File>Options”.

3.  Go to the “Add-ins” tab.

4.  Leave the “Manage” drop down set to “COM Add-ins” and press “Go”.

Take note of what is listed here, whether the add-in is checked or not, and let me know what you find.

Best Regards,
Jimmy M.
Customer Technical Support Representative Scientific
Thomson Reuters
Phone: +1 800 336 4474
ResearchSoft Product Support

Great advice!

We got the same problem on a win7 notebook with word2010 and Endnote X7.

Removing the “Send to Bluetooth” add-in solved the problem.