Word Keeps Crashing

I’m a long-time user of EndNote.  I recently upgraded to X5 and am having a recurrent problem.  Whenever I cut and paste a sentence including an EndNote citation, I get stuck in a loop between Word and EndNote.  

EndNote returns a message that “This action cannot be completed because the ‘<File NAme> - Microsoft Word’ program is busy.  Choose ‘Switch To’ and correct the problem”

Options are “Switch To…”, “Retry”, and “Cancel”.  None of them does anything and Word is frozen.  

To get out of it, I have to force a shut down of Word.

Any solutions?

I’m using EndNote X5 and Word 2010 on Windows 7 x64.


which version of Endnote did you upgrade from?  Is it possible Word is trying to access the old version and not the new version? 

Thanks for the reply!

I upgraded from X4.  I suppose it is possible, although as far as I can tell, X4 is no longer seprately installed.  If this were the problem, is there something I should do?

Well I would try uninstalling endnote, deleting any reference to endnote from registry and then reinstalling endnote. 

But before doing that, does this only happen with an existing document, or does it happen with a new document?  The other possibility is that the document itself has a corruption and following the clean up FAQmight solve the problem. 

Oh, and there was a Blue tooth conflict reported: see this thread?  Don’t know if that got fixed in X5.0.1 (-- added in edit, but  that didn’t seem to be a problem for you in X4, so that probably isn’t it)?