Word 2013 crashes for CWYW citation insertion - EN X7.4 (8818)

Dear all,

for some months now, I have an issue with ENX7.4 and Word 2013.
I hoped that it will be solved by updates, but this is not the case.

What happens:

  • citations can be inserted via CWYW plugin most of the time but sometimes Word crashes instantly

  • a blank document (suggested before) can be used to insert citations

  • upon trying to save the document -> Word crashes

  • re-opening the crashed document is ok

  • once I insert new citations and save again -> crash.

Not necessary to mention that the problems are the same with the document I am actually working on.

Windows 7

EndNote X7.4 (build 8818)

MS Windows 2013

all updates installed (by 02.10.15).

I tried to follow previous suggestions (blank document, remove field tags), none worked.

Any ideas?

Thank you,


Dear rtonner, Sorry about that. Can you please try the following steps? -Close EndNote and drag it from applications to the trash. -In finder, hold down the option key on your keyboard, click the go menu/library. -In library, open “application support”, drag the EndNote folder to the trash. -Back in the library folder open the “preferences folder”. Look for all the files that begin with com.ThomsomResearchSoft.EndNote and drag them to the trash as well. -Reboot the Mac -Reinstall EndNote.

Dear Tom,

Thank you for your suggestions.

Although I am a bit puzzled.

The OS was specified as “Windows” in the post.

I assume you meant removing and re-installing Endnote.

I did this and it did not solve the issue. Same crash.

