Word 2016 crashes upon entering a citation from EndNote


so I am currently having this very annoying problem with EndNote.

The exact description of what happens:

I open my Word document I have already created and used with EndNote several times before. Then I try to insert a citation (new or already mentioned in the documment- it matters not), and the entire Word crashes, just generally saying that there was a problem and it needs to close.

If I try to insert a citation in a blank, new document, it works just fine, as long as the document stays open. Once I save it and reopen, the same problem occurs.

When I open Word itself, a window from EndNote pops up before the Word even opens. The window is a prompt for me, saying exactly: “EndNote needs access to the file name “com.ThomsonResearchSoft.EndNote.plist”, select this file to grant access”. The thing is, I do not have ANY .plist file, much less this one. When I try to give EndNote another file, just to see what happens, a window informing me that this is not the file pops up, and describes a way to the desired file, which is supposed to be: /Users/(my username)/Library/Preferences/filename (the .plist file mentioned above). And that is another problem. There is NO SUCH FOLDER as Library in my computer, much less so in the described path!

This problem started to occur when I upgraded from Office 2011 to Office 2016. My EndNote version is X7.5.1 (Bld 11194) and my the version of my Word is 15.20 (160315). My computer is running Mac OS. I am pretty sure all versions of all softwares are the most recent ones.

Could anyone please help? I have to bump up the speed of my writing- the deadlines are coming- and this problem costs me time I really do not have right now.

Thanks a lot for all suggestions!

You should be able to use the following steps from our website to resolve the issue.http://endnote.com/kb/138936You will want to look at the section: Missing ‘com.ThomsonResearchSoft.EndNote.plist’ file: You can download that file from the above website and put in place use the steps in the section above. Let us know if you have any questions or if this does not resolve the issue.

Thanks for your tip. Table already not appearing anymore. I found the folder “Libary” and I copied downloaded the file to right place. Everything went ok. But, If I want to insert a citations, that already existede in my computer, Word crashes and I cant continune my work. Can you help me with this problem?

I would try the rest of the steps online which include: Tools are Missing, but everything appears correctly configured: If the issues persist, Try resetting your word preferences: Quit EndNote, Word and any Microsoft application. Find and drag the Nomal.dotm template to your desktop. To access this folder, please click on the Go menu of your Finder and then press the “Option” key on your keyboard. Library should then appear as an option in the Go menu. Click this and proceed to Group Containers : UBF8T346G9.Office to find the Normal.dotm file. Rename this file Abnormal.old Look for any pre-2016 Normal templates on your computer. Drag them to the desktop and rename. The location would depend on the version of Word: Word 2008 and 2011: Click on the Go menu of your Finder and then press the “Option” key on your keyboard. Library should then appear as an option in the Go menu. Click this and proceed to Application Support:Microsoft:Office:User Templates to find the Normal.dotm file. Word 2004: Users:[your login name with the house icon]:Documents:Microsoft User Data. Word X: Microsoft Office X:Templates. Remove or rename the following files/folders if they exist: Users:[your login name with the house icon]:Library: Containers: com.microsoft.Word Users:[your login name with the house icon]:Library:Preferences:Microsoft:Word Settings (10) Users:[your login name with the house icon]:Library:Preferences:Microsoft:Word Settings (11) Users:[your login name with the house icon]:Library:Preferences:com.Microsoft.Word.plist Users:[your login name with the house icon]:Library:Preferences:Microsoft:Office 2011 (The entire folder would need to be renamed or removed here) Users:[your login name with the house icon]:Library:Preferences:Microsoft:Office 2008 (The entire folder would need to be renamed or removed here) Restart your computer. Empty the Trash.

The paste from the website came out strange so just see the section: Tools are Missing, but everything appears correctly configured: If the issues persist, Try resetting your word preferences: http://endnote.com/kb/138936