Word Mac 2011 and EndNote 6.0.2 crashing on update citations

After about 4 months of trouble free working the document I am working on crashes every time I try to update citations. The process bar runs along until it gets to updating in-text citations and then Word crashes and tells me that it needs to restart.

Mac OS X 10.8.2

EndNote 6.0.2

Word version 14.3.5 (130515)

The error log is below

Microsoft Error Reporting log version: 2.0

Error Signature:
Date/Time: 2013-06-26 20:11:51 +0000
Application Name: Microsoft Word
Application Bundle ID: com.microsoft.Word
Application Signature: MSWD
Application Version:
Crashed Module Name: Microsoft Word
Crashed Module Version:
Crashed Module Offset: 0x00990aa5
Blame Module Name: Microsoft Word
Blame Module Version:
Blame Module Offset: 0x00990aa5
Application LCID: 1033
Extra app info: Reg=en Loc=0x0409
Crashed thread: 0

The library is quite small - 180 references and the document itself is 70 pages long with 100 references in it.

Please can someone offer some advice. I have reinstalled EndNote as a first attempt without luck.

Many thanks


This typically indicates a corrupt preference file. See the following article for more information on the EXC_BAD_ACCESS error message:


Thanks - I may have to try this. In the meantime I have found that if I remove one specific reference from the document the crashing stops - the ref has been in the library for some time so i don’t really understand this as the crashes have just started but the problem has gone away.

Word has started to crash again - same issue - have tried the remove all this stuff and reboot option and no luck. Any other ideas very welcome as this is becoming a real nusiance



Suggest you bypass the forum and submit a tech support request by emailor by phone (Tel: +1-800-336-4474, press 4; Monday thru Friday, 9AM to 8PM EDT/GMT - 5:00).

Have done as you suggested