Hi all, please forgive me if this is a studpid question, I´ve only started working with EndNote.
I use the Cite while you write plugin for Word. I have made some changes a reference in my online EndNote library. I have alreaty quoted this reference multiple times in my paper. Now I want the reference in the paper to update so that the bibliography contains the new information. Is there a way to update all citations of a reference from the library without having to edit each citation (“Update from my library…”)?
did you change the author or the year? If not, it should update automatically. If you did, you might unformat to temporary citations, and then search and replace the author, year #rec with the correct information. that is the easiest method.
Ok I´ll try that method. I had to change the place published since I had works where there were multiple cities. The bibliography looked very strange before changing it (and it didn´t update automatically so I had to replace all the old citations).
Eg: Original format in EndNote:
New York
But then the bibliography looked like this:
Author title etc Paris
New York rest of reference
So I changed it to: Paris and New York. and then it worked out fine in the bibliography.
I have another little question: Can you search for criteria other than author when trying to find a reference from the library? I have some articles with no author that I cannot find using the search function.
What output style are you using and what reference type is giving you this trouble. You can’t separate the places with a carriage return, or that will be reflected in the output as well. So putting it in with “and” or with puncuation or how ever you do want it to display is fine. Most times publishers only care about one place anyway. Usually the place your readers are closest to.
“another little question”
Where are you searching from? In Endnote, the search bar has three fields showing as default and you can change the fields searched to anything you want (ie Any Field, etc at the very top of the list to any field you prefer). You may need to drag down the window up there to see them all?
The quick Search box near the top of the window on right, searches all endnote fields (but not the PDFs I think).
The insert/find citation from word also searches all fields of the open library.