X3/Win/Chicago A edit parentheses to brackets?

hi folks, another question…for Chicago A footnotes in X3.

I have humanities footnotes where the citation itself comes in parentheses within the sentence of a note. If I were manually entering it, it would look like this

 We are lucky to have an excellent critical edition (Beatus of Liébana and Etherius, eds., Beati Liebanensis Et Eterii Oxomensis Adversus Elipandum Libri Duo, vol. 59, Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis [Turnholt: Brepols,1984]).

but EN wants to make it look like this:

 an excellent critical edition (Beatus of Liébana and Etherius, eds., Beati Liebanensis Et Eterii Oxomensis Adversus Elipandum Libri Duo, vol. 59, Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis (Turnholt: Brepols,1984)).

is there a way to edit the reference or to teach X3 to automatically conver internal () to [] when the cite is enclose via prefix and suffix with ()?

thanks–i’m on deadline :mansad: