X6 + 10.8.2 + Word 2011 = no go?

I just upgraded from X4, which worked fine with this configuration, and cannot for the life of me get X6 to respond. Can’t even get it to insert a reference. Just to be sure: Startup folder contains CWYW 2011.bundle and Endnote Web CWYW comands dated 4/27/10? 

Word freezes and/or gives me a time-out message. I need to get work done, so will return to X4 until this is solved.:confounded:

Solved by a Restart. Highly recommended after installing/upgrading. :smiley:

Same software configuration: 10.2.8, EndNote X6, Word 2011 on a MBPro (mid 2010 i7 dual core). Restarting after X6 installation worked for a while then EndNote became progressively slower (several second lag times when scrolling or typing in the search field). Saving documents in Word first worked, then I repeatedly got a message telling me that I need to choose another name for the document because the document was somehow used for another process (obviously EndNote). To cut it short: the combination of EN X6 and Word 2011 on Mountain Lion seems unusable. I downgraded to EN X5 yesterday and everything works fine now. Maybe there were not enough beta testers for X6 so it is up to us (again) to pay for it…

If you ever decide to try EndNote X6 again, resetting the Word and EndNote preferences may help.

First in EndNote click on Tools > Library Summary. Make a note of the location of your library, for once the preferences have been reset EndNote will not know where your library is located.

Quit EndNote and Word. In the Finder click on Go, hold down the Option key and click on Library from the drop-down menu.

In the Library folder open the Preferences folder and move the following files to the Desktop

Move the following file to the Trash

Go back one level to get out of the Preferences folder and return to the Library folder. Open the Application Support folder, open the Microsoft folder, open the Office folder and open the User Templates folder. Rename Normal.dotm to Normal.OLD and move the file to the Desktop.

Go back one level to get out of the User Templates folder and get back into the Office folder.

Open the Preferences folder and open the Office 2011 folder. Move the following files to the Desktop.
“OLE Registration Database”
“Office Registration Cache”

After that go to /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Startup/Word. Move “EndNote CWYW Word 2011.bundle” to the Trash.

Once you have done this restart the computer. When the computer has been restarted go to /Applications/EndNote X6 and double click on the EndNote X6 application to open the EndNote program and let EndNote rebuild its preferences. In the “Get Started” window choose “Open an existing library” and browse to /Applications/EndNote X6/Examples and open the Sample library.

In EndNote click on EndNote X6 > Customizer. When the components window comes up, check the box for Cite While You Write and click on “next.” Click on “next” to go past the prompt for an alternate Cite While You Write path and click on “done” when the process is finished.

Leave EndNote running and open Word to let Word start to rebuild its preferences. Once in Word click on Word > Preferences > File Locations > Startup > Modify. Browse to /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Startup. Highlight the Word folder and click on “Choose.” The location of Startup should now say Hard Drive/Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Startup/Word.

Click on OK to close the preferences and quit Word.

When you reopen Word you should now have the Endnote X6 commands under the Tools menu. You can first try to insert some citations from the Sample library into a new blank document. Once you have verified that the commands are working properly, close the Sample library, open your regular library and insert some citations into another new blank document. Once you have verified that everything works properly in the new document you can open one of your regular documents and test to see if anything is different.

@dotm wrote:

Same software configuration: 10.2.8, EndNote X6, Word 2011 on a MBPro (mid 2010 i7 dual core). Restarting after X6 installation worked for a while then EndNote became progressively slower (several second lag times when scrolling or typing in the search field). Saving documents in Word first worked, then I repeatedly got a message telling me that I need to choose another name for the document because the document was somehow used for another process (obviously EndNote). To cut it short: the combination of EN X6 and Word 2011 on Mountain Lion seems unusable. I downgraded to EN X5 yesterday and everything works fine now. Maybe there were not enough beta testers for X6 so it is up to us (again) to pay for it…

I’m finding no problems with this (same) configuration: X6 works just great (once it began to work at all). Perhaps you do have a corruption somewhere along the line after all. (Mine’s running on a MB Air 2011 i7)

I’m having the same issues with my MacBook Unibody (Late 2008), 2GHz Core2Duo, 8GB RAM, 256SSD, Mac OS X 10.8.2 1.0 Security Update and Word 2011 (14.2.4).

I tried restarting and rebuilding preferences, but X6 keeps on being awfully slow and does not let me open my library in Word. As a result Word and EndNote freeze and I have to force them to shut down. I also receive the following message (see attachement).

By the way, I realized that EndNote X6 needs a lot of RAM. Seems to be a memory leak somewhere.

Hope the issues get resolved, soon. So long, I rolled back to Endnote X5.


I too am experience unresponsiveness with X6 10.8.2 and Word 2011 (after getting it to install). Editing entries in the library can be hard (slowness after inserting a cursor in a record). Stalling often in Word or going from X6 to Word (inserting a ref.). Error messages (I will look for the number of the error next time); forced quits are the only solution, but that is not really acceptable.

it is “Endnote is not responding. Error -1712”

Please see the following Knowledge Base article for more information on the Apple -1712 Time Out error:


Jason Berman
Technical Sup Rep RS

Thomson Reuters

Phone: +1 800-336-4474

I hope this has been reported to Apple for a fix.

same problem. restart not helping.

Try deleting the endnote pref file (plist) That seems to have helped 

I wished to add that I was also having this problem. I followed all the directions provided by HenryLJ, included deleting the plist file, but the problem continued.

I ended up uninstalling X6 and reverting to X5, which is working fine.

Nevertheless, I hope that a solution can be found. I enjoyed the new look of X6 and the new features that it offered. Howevever, as I am in the middle of writing my dissertation I cannot afford to have Cite While You Write problems. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not working properly for me, either, and I’m disappointed that what looks like could be a good program cannot do the most important task a writer needs it to do. I’m running Word 2011, OS X 10.8.2, and Endnote X6.

The OS X version is still very buggy, even though it was released months aftte the Windows version. It cannot proplery synchronize with Endnote Web, it cannot reliably format a document, it gets slower and slower the more you use it… C’mon, Thomson Reuters! Get this fixed! I’m worried that we may have a long wait before we get a patch.

When can we expect an update to X6 for Mac that works?

Keep in mind the issues you are experiencing working in documents are due to bugs in Apple’s release of OS 10.8.2 and would need to be fixed on their end. Users of many other software products besides EndNote are also having this problem. Information on this issue can be found in this article and the links contained within it:


If you are having problems with the Sync function, I would suggest contacting Technical Support:


Jason Berman
Technical Sup Rep RS

Thomson Reuters

Phone: +1 800-336-4474

Has anyone heard anything at all from Apple about this?

I’ve tried everything but still can’t get past the glitch. I’ve tried their support site and they just suggest I take it in for a service, but I can’t see how that will help. I need them to sort out their operating system. 

I find this arises if for whatever reason I crash out of Word (hang, need to force quit, etc). The only solution is to delete the Endnote pref file in Library and if that fails, to restart the machine. ONce you get a clean start, all systems should be good, till the next hiccup. And so it goes.

Apple does not make its Bug Tracking public for searching, but information about the current 10.8.2 bug can be found here:


Jason Berman
Technical Sup Rep RS

Thomson Reuters

Phone: +1 800-336-4474

Will you give a master degree in computer sciences to every user who fixes the bug of word2011+endnoteX6?

Do you think I should waste my time following the instructions you just gave in order to make a software that doesn’t work functional? wern’t the 200$ i paid for the software enough?

@drdudidu. The bug is apparently in the Mac Operating System. Until Apple fixes it, there’s not much that can be done. EndNote is not the only program that is affected. I suggest you try running Cite While You Write from Endnote Web. It seems to work for me. (OS X 10.8.2, Word 2011). I saw that 10.8.3 is in beta release, so let’s hope this problem will be addressed in that release.