X6 installation failed on Windows8 to go

X6 can be installed on Windows 8 and it works fine. However, when I try to setup X6 on ‘Windows8 to go’ (Windows8 running on a flash disk instead of a harddrive), the installation was failed (it showed 'internal error 2755.1632 ').

Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.

I am not sure this is going to work, but one of the things it may be failing on is when it is attempting to install the direct export helper into Internet Explorer (that happens on the “updating system” screen where you are getting the hanging). During the install process, choose “Custom” and uncheck the box at the bottom to install the direct export helper. See if that gets around the issue.


Colin Gillies
Technical Support Representative
Thomson Reuters
Phone: +1 800 336 4474
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