X6 vs X5 and Mac

I have two questions. First, what is really new in X6? I could not find anything about this in the site. Second, I already have Endnote X5 for Windows. Is the license OS specific? Do I qualify to buy the X6 for Mac at upgrade price? 

Check the “EndNote X6 -Overview” in training video regarding new features: http://endnote.com/if/endnote-video-training

Depending upon when you purchased X5 Thomson-Reuters was allowing users to upgrade free of charge. Those who qualified were notified by email. If you wish to verify your status suggest contacting customer support: http://endnote.com/contact/customer-support

If you have EndNote X5 for Windows, you can purchase a cross-platform upgrade from our Sales department to obtain EndNote X6 for the Mac:

800.722.1227 (8:00 AM - 5:00 PM PT, Monday through Friday)


According to the purchase page, users who purchase X5 between 31 May and 29 September will receive a free upgrade to X6 for Mac when it is released.

Jason Berman
Technical Sup Rep RS

Thomson Reuters

Phone: +1 800-336-4474