New Coming Macintosh X7 Features?

Forgive me if this is an FAQ.  I just became a registered user of X6 for the Mac OS/X desktop.  Anyone know of feature list for the newer version that’s suppose to come out?

Thanks in advance!

Hi Joe,

We’ve released the download for X7 Mac today. Also, EndNote X7 is the first version we have which offers cross-platform compatibility. So, regardless of whether you’re working on a Windows or Macintosh platform, your EndNote X7 product key allows you to install on multiple computers without having to purchase for separate operating systems. For more information or to download:


This release includes the following Mac exclusive features:

·  New Navigation and User Interface

·  Expanded PDF annotation tools to give you more flexibility.

·  Improved the way that EndNote scans and creates records for imported PDFs to better fit your workflow.

·  New Getting Started Dialog - get introduced to all of the smart, flexible features of EndNote as soon as you install the program.

As well as those shared with the Windows release: 

•  Expanded PDF Handling abilities: Auto-Import folder, PDF renaming, Folder and Sub-Folder Import with Groups

•  Category Bibliography option from within Cite While You Write in Word: good for Humanities and Legal fields of study. Widely applicable to the creation of CVs.

•  Background Sync: seamless, automatic process with no interruption of workflow

•  Shared Group Indicators from online in desktop

•  Improved Quick Search in Library view

•  Personalization: Read/ Unread and Ratings control/hide

•  Reference Type updates: 

New: Podcast, Press Release, and Interview Reference Type 

Updates to existing: We’ve added Session field to Conference Paper, Date field to Blog Ref type, Periodical Title to Data Set, ISBN to Thesis, Institution to Manuscript, and Call number to Conference Paper.


Lastly, if you purchased X6 after March 21st of this year, you qualify for a free upgrade to X7. I can get you the information on that if you’d like. 

Thanks, and let me know if you have any questions.


Meredith M. 

I need to ask a really dumb question now!

Is this a free download, which I just “run on top of my existing X6 Mac install?”  Or do I need to re-order X7 like it was a brand new software product for the Mac?

Thank you!

I guess that depends on when you paid for X6.  I would contact customer support, but if you just registered, I would think they will contact you… 

I bought it VERY recently.  Feel free to contact them on my behalf;  thank you!

I just switched from a PC to a Mac because of a virus issue - so this whole thing has been pretty traumatic.  But I can assure you … I’m a relatively new customer.

And I’m also registered there somewhere.

Again - it’s the Mac X7 I need.  I use to own your PC versions.  PC not even used anymore.  I bought X6 for the Mac so recently I forget now - but it was recent.


I am not a TR person.  I am a user who has just used the software for a long time… tisn’t mine!  :smiley:

Thanks for your help, Leanne. 

Joe, for you to get your free upgrade, you can contact our Customer Support team. X7 is a different version of EndNote. I’d recommend saving a Compressed Library .enlx file before you uninstall X6/ install X7, or install X7.

Customer Support Team:

Tel: +1-800-336-4474, press 3
OR, Submit a customer support request to be contacted

Hours: Monday thru Friday: 8AM to 6PM EDT (GMT - 5:00)

Let me know if you have any issues or additional questions.

Meredith M.