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I installed Microsoft Word 2016 and EndNote on my Mac last week. Everything was fine until yesterday.
When I want to insert a citation, Word is just crushing.
I have:
Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11.3
EndNote X7.5 (bld 11052)
Microsoft Word 2016, version 15.18 (160109)
According to what I found online it should all work and be compatible. But it’s not… I can’t insert any citation without Word closing.
Any idea why is this happening?
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I have also had major compatibility issues upgrading to Word 2016 while running the latest version of Endnote X7 (I am running the latest verison of Word 2016 as well). The main problems are:
The insert function on the Endnote Library homepage that would automatically revert you back to your Word document and insert the citation or footnote now no longer seems to work (i.e. nothing happens and when you click back on the Word document there is still a blank footnote space and a blinking cursor waiting for content to be inserted). However, when you try to insert the citation using Word 2016’s ribbon bar the previous non-functioning insertion from the Library homepage now shows up twice! So there are two citations every time unless I exclusively use Word’s Endnote X7 ribbon bar.
The programme is SLOW. Not just slow like 10 nail-biting seconds slow; it is forehead-slapping slow and makes it impossible to continue functioning in Endnote using autoformat citations. I instead converted all my citations to unformatted citations (after a century and an age) and while this seems to work, I don’t like the way it looks and frankly, my last Word 2011 version of the document worked just fine with Endnote’s autoformat and I would like this version to work as well.
I have tried all of Thomson Reuter’s troubleshooting options, including deleting and recreating my plist, deleting and re-inserting my CWYW Word 2016 bundle and creating a whole new document (since the document I’m working on was originally created in Word 2011).
Nothing seems to work. Please help as I live off of Endnote!
In windows, I know I have to trim down our output styles in folders, or things bog down. I also turn off the auto hyperlinking of citations to bibliography – too many bells and whistles. Not sure any of this is relevant to the Mac version though.
Has this issue been sorted yet? I’m trying to put together a thesis and Thomson Reuters incompetence has been trundling along for over 8 months at this stage.