(Tested with WIN XP SP3, Win Vista Ultimate and Win 7 Professional with German Settings)
TRENSOFTY bought the full version of EN X5 and uses MS Office 2007 Pro and LibreOffice (U.S.) 3.4 and a special German version of L.O. 3.3.01 with Writer´s Tools.
I nstallation of the extension of EN X5
-In LB Writer go to the Tools menu and choose Extra/Extension Manager
-Click Add
-In the file dialog of the Extension Manager, navigate to the folder :
Program Files\EndNote X5\Product-Support\CWYW\
-Select the EndNote and click Open. (It is an OXT file)
-The ENCWYW extension will now appear in the list. Click Close.
-Exit Libre Office Writer and then restart it.
ENX5 appears besides Extra
P.S. Please note that the previous location of the extension for EN X4 was : Program Files/Common Files/ ResearchSoft/CWYW14