I am well behind schedule for publishing. Like today!! Plus 6 years overdue.Using Wind 7 Word 2010 for obvious reasons to keep up with other programmes.
Used Endnote version 8 for a long bibliography. This is 2nd one. Created a new group.Ready to go but can’t understand the “selected fields.” They give examples of journals etc. Mine has all the fields you would use in a reference some technical ones. When I tried to preview I get the Author separate and bolded with a number, some spaces, and then the bibliography style I use. What have I duplicated? How do I get rid of it.
Secondly, it seems so easy but when I complete this (right selection) where do I go? I know I printed one somewhere. I have a word open. u tube seems to cut off at that part but I don’t know what they did. I can’t see very well.
Can someone please help me as the publisher going on holiday?
Many thanks
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I just managed to copy a couple of references by copy and paste but will I have to use the alphabet to sort.
Erickson, Dorothy. Glaskin, Frederic, 1820-1899. Aspects of Stylistic and Social Influence on the Practice of Gold and Silversmithing in Western Australia, 1829-1965. Vol. 1 1991.
———. “Thomas Habgood - Biography and Accomplishments of a Silversmith.” in Aspects of Stylistic and Social Influence on the Practice of Gold and Silversmithing in Western Australia, 1829-1965. 1 26-27 1991.
Have you tried a different style in the word endnote tab? Is it EndnoteX8 or Endnote8?
Try “harvard” as a start? (if not using a numbered style)
Do you know how to edit the style if it has other critical changes? then save as new name, Then edit the bibliography setting for “sort order” to alpha, year title (usually that is what publishers want) but your mileage may vary). and save. change the output style to the newly edited/named style in word or –
Have you entered the endnote fields into the document or are you trying to produce just a bibliography alpha sorted. Then (in endnote) you should choose export (from file menu), save as RTF and choose the output style.