APA 6th Edition - Advance online publication

I am having difficulty getting the proper output format for an “advance online publication” in the APA 6th output style.

The APA manual, p. 199, gives the following example:

Von Ledebur, S. C. (2007). Optimizing knowledge transfer by new employees in companies.  Knowledge Management Research & Practice. Advance online publication.  doi:10.1057/palgrave.kmrp.8500141

However, I can’t figure out which field to put “Advance online publication” in so it appears correctly.

If I put it in Type of Article, it appears before the Journal title in square brackets.  If I add it to the end of the Journal title, it appears in italics.  The closest I can find is to put it in the page number field, but then a comma appears after the journal title instead of a period.

This is a real issue because more and more journals are publishing online ahead of print.

Any suggestions?



It is a temporary need, as the article will presumably come out as a print version, so you need to remember to adjust at that time? 

The best option would be to include the text in a custom field (via the edit options, reference types and choose and name an empty custom field in the journal reference type) and incorporate that name into the journal output style bibliography template.  (If you are unfamiliar with editing an output style, see this link, but don’t forget to also change the manuscript to utilize this new output style - see here.)

Then when you update this record to provide the print version details, you would also clear this custom field and the bibliography will be automatically updated correctly, if you are still in the submission or revision stages and working on the manuscript.